IVAP has affiliated to i2basque. Welcome!

IVAP has affiliated to i2basque. Welcome!

IVAP – The Basque Institute for Public Administration, is an autonomous organism, joined to Basque Government’s Public Governance and Self-Government Department. The 16/1983 Law of 27th of July define and specify important issues related to IVAP´s structure and functions.

IVAP has as mission to collaborate with Basque public administrations for providing efficient, high quality and bilingual services, over shared values of public service. Its main work areas are:

  • Staff selection and formation for Basque public administrations.
  • Boosting of the use of Basque language in the administration and official translation, and the consolidation of legal-administrative terminology in Basque.
  • Advise and support of legal-administrative linguistic research in the Basque Country and the management improvement.
  • Promotion of the digitalization of the Administration.

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