Mahara is a free and open source web application for managing ePortfolio and Social Networks. It offers users tools to create and maintain a digital portfolio that collects evidences about their learning processes, or even their professional development. In addition, it includes social functionalities that allow interaction between users.

Mahara offers the possibility to create blogs, to save and share files and to create what it calls “views”, which is the creation of versions of the content adaptable to various contexts and display options (specific versions of a topic in different subjects, presentation of the portfolio for employers of different profiles, etc.).

This platform allows the user to control which elements and what information other users of the platform can see, but also has the option of creating versions that can be seen from out of the platform; during a specific period of time, limiting it if you want to only the one that has a secret url to view it, or to publish openly.

Unlike other course management systems that are led and organized by a teacher, the Mahara digital portfolio system is student-centered.