The mission of the Biobizkaia Institute is to promote translational research and health innovation, to create value and create an impact on health for society:
- To promote collaboration between clinical research and basic research.
- To serve as a meeting point of the Health System, Industry and the ecosystem of scientific and technological knowledge.
- Ensuring the sustainability of health research and innovation.
Biobizkaia is a Health Research Institute of the Territory of Bizkaia, Within the Basque Health System, with a reference area of over 1 million people, which wants to be recognized as research. a translational center and innovation in the field of health, a benchmark at the regional and national level, leading international and high-impact projects, and becoming a center for attracting clinical, research and innovative talent.
The nucleus of the Institute is Cruces de la OSI Ezkerralde Enkarterri. Crutzeta (Integrated Health Organization), and its reference framework is made up of the OSIs of the territory of Bizkaia. The following corporate organizations will say: Health Department, Osakidetza, BIOEF Basque Foundation for Research and Innovation and Basque University. Country – University of the Basque Country (UPV – EHU) and BBK Banking Foundation.
The strength of Biocruces Bizkaia and its progress are anchored in three basic pillars: its professionals, alliance network with biotechnological agents and companies, and the strong support of its corporate bodies.